Zkoušel. Pořád dokola se vypisuje zadaný příkaz, ale update se neprovede:
C:\Documents and Settings\p804930\Plocha>cmd.exe /C gpupdate /force /boot
C:\Documents and Settings\p804930\Plocha>cmd.exe /C gpupdate /force /boot
C:\Documents and Settings\p804930\Plocha>cmd.exe /C gpupdate /force /boot
C:\Documents and Settings\p804930\Plocha>cmd.exe /C gpupdate /force /boot
C:\Documents and Settings\p804930\Plocha>cmd.exe /C gpupdate /force /boot
C:\Documents and Settings\p804930\Plocha>cmd.exe /C gpupdate /force /boot
C:\Documents and Settings\p804930\Plocha>cmd.exe /C gpupdate /force /boot
C:\Documents and Settings\p804930\Plocha>cmd.exe /C gpupdate /force /boot
C:\Documents and Settings\p804930\Plocha>cmd.exe /C gpupdate /force /boot
C:\Documents and Settings\p804930\Plocha>cmd.exe /C gpupdate /force /boot
C:\Documents and Settings\p804930\Plocha>cmd.exe /C gpupdate /force /boot
C:\Documents and Settings\p804930\Plocha>cmd.exe /C gpupdate /force /boot
C:\Documents and Settings\p804930\Plocha>cmd.exe /C gpupdate /force /boot
C:\Documents and Settings\p804930\Plocha>cmd.exe /C gpupdate /force /boot
C:\Documents and Settings\p804930\Plocha>cmd.exe /C gpupdate /force /boot
C:\Documents and Settings\p804930\Plocha>cmd.exe /C gpupdate /force /boot
C:\Documents and Settings\p804930\Plocha>cmd.exe /C gpupdate /force /boot
C:\Documents and Settings\p804930\Plocha>cmd.exe /C gpupdate /force /boot
C:\Documents and Settings\p804930\Plocha>cmd.exe /C gpupdate /force /boot
^CChcete ukončit dávkovou úlohu (A/N)?
C:\Documents and Settings\p804930\Plocha>cmd.exe /C gpupdate /force /boot
C:\Documents and Settings\p804930\Plocha>cmd.exe /C gpupdate /force /boot
C:\Documents and Settings\p804930\Plocha>cmd.exe /C gpupdate /force /boot
C:\Documents and Settings\p804930\Plocha>cmd.exe /C gpupdate /force /boot
C:\Documents and Settings\p804930\Plocha>cmd.exe /C gpupdate /force /boot
^CChcete ukončit dávkovou úlohu (A/N)?