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Poznámka k tomu 550W focusu: údajně má problemy s high-end grafickými kartami.

Yes high-end graphics card like probably triggers the over current protection way to easy. In new models of the 650W, 750W and 850W version it should be fixed, but Seasonic didn't make any changes afaik in the 550W version. And of course there is a big chance you still get an older one without any fix.

Second problem is that the Focus series has problems with the Asus Strix GTX 970, you will get black screens with that combination. As a fix you can ask Seasonic for a special PEG cable with an capacitor.

Last problem is that Seasonic doesn't recommend using a graphics card from 225W or more with a single modular PEG cable with two connectors. But because the 550W has only one cable it isn't recommended by Seasonic to use a high-end card with high power consumption. Seasonic said that in the future they're gonna combine the PSU with two PEG cables. As for now you should ask Seasonic for that second cable.

píše Maska v tomto vlákně http://www.jonnyguru.com/forums/showthread.php?t=16033.

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