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How to get rid of Annoying red color Drive on Windows. Trochu blbé video, ale možná to funguje.
Kyncl 14.10.2018 11:14
You can actually remove the colorbar completely quite easy. 1. Run REGEDIT as administrator 2. Open…
Abox 14.10.2018 11:15
karel 14.10.2018 11:16
Že jsem tak zvědavý, k čemu je taková blbost dobrá?
host 14.10.2018 11:29
Asi to tam má, aby to bolo pekne farebné.... inak je to sprostosť pchať si do systému takéto blbosti… poslední
yYy 14.10.2018 16:18

You can actually remove the colorbar completely quite easy.

1. Run REGEDIT as administrator
2. Open HKLM\Software\Classes\Drive
3. Change the value for the key TileInfo. Remove the phrase "System.PercentFull;"
The key should read the following:
Before: prop:*System.PercentFull;System.Computer.DecoratedFreeSpace;System.Volume.FileSystem
After: prop:*System.Computer.DecoratedFreeSpace;System.Volume.FileSystem
4. Restart windows explorer (open task manager, and kill the process explorer.exe, choose File, Run and type in explorer.exe)
5. Now open Computer to see the absense of the colorbars

Note: This method does not disable the warning which occurs when free space falls below 10%. It does only remove the anoying red bars.

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