Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem Adobe Flash Player nelze nainstalovat

To ale nejsou okna z instalace Flash pluginu. Zkoušeli jste to stáhnout a nainstalovat z těch odkazů? Na začátku přece vyskočí tohle:


Easy solution to try, worked for me it may for others. I am using Win 10 but it may apply to other versions as well. Check what apps/programs are running in the taskbar (^ symbol in win 10). Check and see if gameroom is running, it was for me, right click and exit the application. When I relaunched Gameroom I no longer received the flash update message. No installation of flash was needed.

Ten Gameroom se musí ukončit a znova spustit.

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