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Kyncl 02.05.2019 07:58
TOMADR 02.05.2019 08:11
Kyncl 02.05.2019 08:26
Nepodarilo se ani podle tohoto navodu: http://sysfrontier.com/en/2014/12/31/hello-world/ rec.m4a fi…
Abox 02.05.2019 10:21
Čápi? Ale jaký mají čápi hnízdo? Opravit to asi jde, ale všude, kde jsem to zkusil, chtějí za to pe…
IQ37 02.05.2019 15:39
Zkousel jsem a zatim prd. RecoverIt - neumi opravit konkretni soubor, vzdy hleda soubory na poskozen…
Abox 02.05.2019 15:55
Ta moje citace výše je z toho jeho souboru. How to recover audio from an incomplete or corrupted AAC…
IQ37 02.05.2019 16:12
mozes skusit: How to fix corrupted voice memo (m4a) files. Do you have broken voice memo files? You…
fallon 02.05.2019 16:07
To je to samé, co psal Abox.
IQ37 02.05.2019 16:13
pravda, tak asi nic.
fallon 02.05.2019 16:14
Active File recovery - nic (hleda a obnovuje soubory na HDD) Lavasoft Recovery Suite - nic (hleda a…
Abox 02.05.2019 17:14
Skús to tu: https://app.aeroquartet.com/ Súbor má vraj trvanie 91 minút, po diagnostike nejaké samp…
pme 02.05.2019 18:41
Opravit by to mozno aj islo, ale len manualne. Ziadny program nema taku inteligenciu aku ma clovek,…
Kilo.Viktor 02.05.2019 20:40
Hlavicka tam prave je a tim HEXa editorem ji mas odstranit...ale pak to zase rve tu chybu. Cili tipu…
Abox 02.05.2019 21:02
Tak to s tym odstranenim hlavicky som vazne nepochopil. Ono odstranit hlavicku aj u nieco jednoduchs…
Kilo.Viktor 03.05.2019 10:33
Tak je to popisovano v tom postupu, co s tim mas delat. Zrejme ten Faad umi pracovat s temi "syrovym… poslední
Abox 03.05.2019 10:49

Zkousel jsem a zatim prd.
RecoverIt - neumi opravit konkretni soubor, vzdy hleda soubory na poskozenem disku.
Ty SW hledaji a pokouseji se obnovit smazane/poskozene soubory, pokud o ne prijdes (treba poskozenym HDD).
Ale neumi, (alespon se zadnym to zatim neslo), opravit poskozeny soubor jako takovy...

mozes skusit:
How to fix corrupted voice memo (m4a) files.

Do you have broken voice memo files? You can fix those files by yourself. I will show you the steps in this article. Voice memo files have the extension “m4a”. It is audio data encoded in the AAC format and encapsulated in MPEG4 file container. You may fix files recorded with other programs like QuickVoice or on Android. File extensions may be mp4 or 3gp.

The m4a files get broken when some parts of header lost correct information. For example, when the bytes indicating the length of the audio data become 0, the file can not be replayed any more on iPhone, iPad, Mac or Windows PC.

But, in some cases you can fix the broken header by yourself by extracting the audio data, encoding it, and putting it into the new file container.

Let’s do it together.

STEPS for Windows PC

Download faad.exe
Open http://rarewares.org/aac-decoders.php Click “Download (225kB)” of “FAAD2v20100614 CVS snapshot for Win32“. faad

Extract faad.exe from the downloaded zip file. Place it in the “Downloads” folder, for example.

Download faac.exe
Open http://rarewares.org/aac-encoders.php Click “Download (191kB)” for “FAACv1.28 Binary for Win32“.faac

Extract faac.exe from the downloaded zip file. Place it in the same folder as above.

For example, you see faad.exe and faac.exe in the Downloads folder as below. downloads

Download binary editor
You can choose any favorite binary editor. If you don’t know well, I will recommend HxD. Download a zip file from http://download.cnet.com/HxD-Hex-Editor/3000-2352_4-10891068.html or http://mh-nexus.de/en/downloads.php?product=HxD Extract setup.exe and click it to install.

Place the file to the same directory.
Move your voice memo file from your iPhone to PC via iTunes. You can use other tools like iFunbox.

Please place the copied file to the same directory as where you placed the above faad.exe and faac.exe. We call the file “20140615 163625.m4a”, for example.

Open the file with binary editor.
Please copy the broken m4a file to some folder for backup. Start HxD or your binary editor program and open the broken m4a file.

Press F key with control key to open the Find box. Type “mdat” and press the Find button.

Select from the beginning of the file to the “t” of “mdat” as shown below.


Press Delete key to delete the selected area. Press S key with control key to save.

Decode by faad.exe
Press R key with Windows key to open the dialog. Type “cmd” and press OK button to open the Command Prompt.

In the command prompt window that was opened, type “cd Downloads” to move the Downloads folder. Type faad.exe “20140615 163625.m4a” and press the Enter key. In seconds or tens of seconds, you will find the decoded wave file named “20140615 163625.wav“.

Check if the command histories are like below. cmd1

Encode by faac.exe
In the command prompt window, type faac.exe -b 160 -o repaired.m4a “20140615 163625.wav” and press the Enter key.

In seconds or minutes, you will find the encoded file named repaired.m4a. Please replay the repaired.m4a to see the audio content is what you want.

Check if the command histories are like below. cmd2

Company Information

SysFrontier Inc. 3-23-16, Ekoda, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 225-0005, Japan.

Active File recovery - nic (hleda a obnovuje soubory na HDD)
Lavasoft Recovery Suite - nic (hleda a obnovuje soubory na HDD)
7-Data Recovery Suite Enterprise - nic (hleda a obnovuje soubory na HDD)
Hetman Data Recovery Pack - nic (hleda a obnovuje soubory na HDD, opravuje FAT, NTFS, Excel, Word, Photo, Office, Partition)
Tohle bude chtit, (pokud vubec existuje), SW na opravu m4a.

Opravit by to mozno aj islo, ale len manualne. Ziadny program nema taku inteligenciu aku ma clovek, ktory vie na akom hardware to bolo nahrate a ako bol ten hw nastaveny pre zaznam. Predpokladam, ze ti chyba hlavicka, alebo identifikator z ktoreho si prehravac berie udaje o formate, vzorkovani, kanaloch, velkosti a pod. Je mozne to zobrat aj z ineho suboru skopcenim v hexaeditore. Tipujem, ze ked sa do toho pustis a po desiatich pokusoch nebudes uspesny, tak sa na to vybodnes. Ja som tak opravil aj nekompletne stiahnute videosubory, ale da to zabrat. Je to makacka. Nie kazdy ma trpezlivost sa s tym bafkat nejaky tyzden, dva, alebo aj viac.

Tak to s tym odstranenim hlavicky som vazne nepochopil. Ono odstranit hlavicku aj u nieco jednoduchsieho napriklad WAV vyzaduje znalost ako su tie data zapisane. Ako to ma vediet prehravaci program bez hlavicky?
Do hlavicky sa zapisuje aj po skonceni zaznamu a to tam bude asi chybat. Inak povedane ta hlavicka obsahuje chybne informacie.

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