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A Virtual Host is just a web site served by your Apache server. Virtual hosts are managed just like modules. Each site gets its own configuration file that contains all the Apache directives that pertain only to that site. These files (or symbolic links to them) should be placed in the sites-available directory. There are no strict naming requirements for these files (files beginning with . or # will be ignored), but for convenience you should name each site configuration file to match the domain name it is serving. There is no need to add a “conf” extension. For example, the vhost file used for this web site is named www.control-escape.com.

To activate any of these sites, use the a2ensite command, which operates identically to the a2enmod command mentioned above. There is a respective a2dissite command for disabling a site.

Even if you only run one web site on your server, Apache is still configured to have one virtual host, the Default Virtual Host. The default virtual host is treated specially by the a2ensite script. If you look in your sites-enabled directory you will find that the link has been named 000-default. The number is prepended to the name by the a2ensite script to ensure that the default virtual host is the first one included by Apache (which sorts the files alphabetically). If you want other sites to be loaded in a particular order other than alphabetical, you can rename the links here, but you should always ensure that the default virtual host is the first one loaded.

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