Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem Nejde nainstalovat Ubuntu Touch do PinePhone 64 přes ubports-installer

Tak se mi to zatím nepodařilo.

JAK ROZBALIT A DOSTAT NA FLEŠKU tneto soubor? pine64-pinephone-plamo-beta-factorytest.tar.xz https://wiki.pine64.org/wiki/PinePhone_Software_Releases#Factory-loaded_OS_builds

S Ubuntu to šlo bez problémů rozbalit a vložit naa flešku, s Manjaro také, ale s beta verzí mi to nejde. Když to chci dát na flešku, hází to upozornění, ,,soubor se nezdá být komprimován pomocí XZ",

Ubuntu i Manjaro rozbalit a na flešku v pohidě, spuštění testu v pohodě, ale pak se to zaseklo při testování hned po první položce

Tady je komunikace s podporou PinePhone. Mluvím anglicky, bohužel já ne. Pouze přes překladač, takže...

Please to confirm whether you tested with BETA Edition factory test OS build from the link.

Sorry to heard that you run into issues with re-flashing your device.

We suggest you reach out for help in the community chat, as community members will be able to walk you through the process one step at a time.
And they will be able to help diagnose if it is a common issue and if it is a defective product.
If it turns out to be defective after then, we should be able to do an RMA.

If you have an issue with reflashing the factory test on that, we suggest you may seek assistance from a good technician who can help you.

Your message mentioned that the phone works for half a second. Then the screen shuts down. It appears that it is a software problem. Please get an SD card and flash the megi 15in1 build and you may try out with one of the build there. Check if it is stable for you. Here is the link:- https://wiki.pine64.org/wiki/PinePhone_Software_Releases#megi_15-in-1_multi_boot_Image_.5BSD_Boot.5D_.5B20210602.5D.  After flashing megi 15in1, you may get the below picture display then if the phone display shuts down. For that you need to connect the red USB-C cable to charge it for few hours, then you have to explore what OS is suitable for you when power on it. And please take note of the Pinephone spec that needs a 5V 3A power supply to charge.

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