Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem Windows 10 barevně, pouze Edge "jede" černobíle?

The new release of the all-in-one Internet suite is available for download now! 2.53.10 is an incremental update from the 2.53.x branch and incorporates a number of changes, including support for time and date input types, improvements to browser and mailnews tab handling, enhancements to the ChatZilla client, reorganization of some preferences, and fixes from the underlying platform code. Additional important security fixes up to the current Firefox 78.15 ESR and Firefox / Thunderbird 91.3 ESR are included too.

Nicmene SeaMonkey je zalozen na ESR Firefoxu, takze si clovek moc nepomuze, casem bude nove verze s novyma problemama.
Navic kdo potrebuje balik vcetne posty, IRC klienta a RSS ctecky? Ani jedno nepouzivam a myslim, ze bude hodne lidi jako ja. Zbytecne veci zasadne neinstaluju.

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