Error u nauploadovaných linek u Rapidshare
mám problém včera jsem natočila film pak jsem ho uploadla na rapidshare a ted jsou ty nauploadované linky smazané a já jsem je nesmazala a když nato kliknu napíše mi to toto
This file is suspected to contain illegal content and has been blocked. After the file has been blocked for 7 days it will automatically be deleted, if the block is not removed by RapidShare. For this reason, a download of this file is currently not possible.
nevíte co to znamená a co s tím ?
a taky se mi na rapidu u toho mého účtu objevilo
You are going to continue to be credited with 10 GB download traffic per day, until 09.11.2008. It is 15 days remaining.
ale to podle mě s tím nesouvisí