Zdravim, prosim o pomoc, Defender nasiel toto:
Alert level: Severe
Status: Active
Category Trojan
Details: This program is dangerous and executes commands from an attacker.
Affected items: file: ...Firefox\Data\profile\storage\default\moz-extension+++51bebcbc-5737-4a82-989a-56d3b1cf718d^userContextId=4294967295\idb\3647222921wleabcEoxlt-eengsairo.sqlite-shm
Je to skutocne trojan? Ak ano, ako sa ho zbavit, staci vymazat subor, ktory nasiel Defender?
Je to zrejme addon vo Firefox, ale podla nazvu neviem ktory, ako to zistit?
Mam Windows 10 a Firefox, najnovsiu verziu portable.