Preboha ludia fakt si vas vazim za tie roky, co ste tu, ale preco tak casto komplikujete veci a riesite ich zlozito?
To, ze sa mi startoval GRUB predsa znamenalo, ze bios vidi disk, ale z neznamych pricin namiesto windows zavadzal Grub, ktory tam bol asi kvoli tomu FreeDOSu.
Ale to nie je podstatne.
Podstatne je spravit teda instalaciu nanovo, ak uz teda nejdeme cestou imho mala byt ta spravna cesta, pretoze tam stacilo opravit zavadzanie OS (kludne aj v Grube).
Ok riesime cistu instalaciu.
Instalacka nevidi disk a to nie je predsa problem biosu.
Je to problem ovladca, ktory instalacka nema...navyse ak pouziva nejaku staru vykopavku a nie najnvosiu.
Jeden request pre Google a tu je odpoved.
You have to install the Intel storage controller drivers that are needed for Windows to find the drive on PC's that come with Intel 11th -13th gen core processors.
If you want to clean install Windows, you can use the drivers that I zipped up and attached below.
Copy the 5 files from the F6/VMD/f6vmdflpy-x64 folder to a USB flash drive.
Have the flash drive and your W10 installation media plugged into USB ports.
Boot from the W10 installation flash drive.
When you get to the screen where no drives can be found, click on the Load driver option, browse to the flash drive with the storage controller drivers on it.
If you check the box, it will only include the compatible driver.
Click Next, and Windows should find the drive and install.
Preco ho furrt mocete nejakym Hirensom, upravou oddielov, bastrngovanim v biose a pod? Akoze mozno sa dokopete vo finale do uspesneho instalu, ale ved nie je lepsie ista najkratsou cestou?
Inak celkom ma matie ak instalacka Win nema ovladac pre ten radic ako tam dostal ten prvy Win.