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How to bypass DVD region code protection ?

As we've said, a lot of newer drives are RPC-2 drives these days. Some of these drives don't allow raw access to the drive until the drive firmware has done a regioncheck. But some RPC-2 drives DO allow raw access, so in some cases it is quite possible to use a special software to bypass the protection:

The first solution is free VideoLAN player: click here to download VideoLAN. It might take a long time to initialize DVD. So just pop the disc in your drive and try it out, while you get a coffee.

The second solution is free Remote Selector tool: click here to download Remote Selector. Launch remselec22.exe file. Click Control tab. Choose Enabled, and check all options Region Free, Disable Macrovision, Disable User Prohibition as shown below:

Click Start Player button, and try to play your DVD.

A tady link http://www.remoteselector.com/files/remselec22.exe Uz jsem to zkousel a funguje to a pocet zmen je v mechanice porad stejnej. Takze to neni siditko. Jen jeste musim zkusit, jestli mne to pojede i na Viste.

Uz se mne povedlo vyresit i to, jak udelat z DVD prehravace variantu "Free Region", ale nemuzu to bohuzel nastavit, protoze mam asi jine DO, nez ti, co na to prisli a pritom mam original.

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