Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem DOMPDF - na localhoste spôsobuje pád servera

Neznám, splňuješ všechny tyto požadavky?

PHP 5.0.0+ with the DOM extension enabled. Note that the domxml PECL extenstion conflicts with the DOM extension and must be disabled.

Give your webserver write permission on the path specified in DOMPDF_FONT_DIR (lib/fonts by default).

Read the Linux/Unix section above first, as most of it applies. The main difference is the ttf2pt1 utility. Fortunately, there is a windows version, available at http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/ttf2pt1.h tm. You will have to edit your dompdf_config.inc.php file to point to the path where you installed ttf2pt1.

You will also need the cli version of PHP in order to execute load_font.php, however it's usage is the same (see the last example above).

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