Automaticke ponuknutie email adresy MS Outlook
Pri pisani noveho emailu v MS Outlook 2003 mi tento stale doplnil adresu podla toho, ake zaciatocne pismena som pri jej pisani pouzil. Zrazu mi to ale nepracuje a neviem najst kde to treba nastavit. Pomoze niekto? Vdaka.
I s obrázkama:
Sorry, je to Outlook 2000 a ten vyssie uvedenu moznost nema
Tam je to přece taky. Stačí do Google napsat "outlook 2000" autocomplete a přečíst si to.
Praveze som nasiel ze to tam nie je:
AutoComplete is a feature of Internet Explorer and of Outlook Express. However, it is not available in Outlook 2000. Outlook 2000 uses a method called Name Resolution. This feature of Outlook 2000 resolves the name you are typing or searches through your Contacts list to provide you with the correct e-mail name. To use this feature, follow these steps: 1. In Outlook 2000, open a new message.
2. Type the first three letters of an e-mail address that is stored in one of your contacts.
3. On the Tools menu, click Check Name.
You can also use the Check Name toolbar button (the one that has a red check mark and a picture of a person) or press CTRL+K.
Používat jako mail klienta Outlook by mě nenapadlo. Podle diskusí je to funkční až v pozdějších verzích, i když někdo tvrdí opak.
http://www.h-desk.com/Turn_on_autocomplete_in_Outl ook_2000__t11383.html
Dotycny pravdepodobne Outlook 2000 ani nevidel, pretoze v Menu to co popisuje sa vobec nenachadza...