Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem Ovladače ke grafické kartě

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This is a generic Microsoft Windows error. These errors happen when the game either makes a request that the computer does not understand or fails to respond with correct data. The computer picks up on this error, but since it is not a specific error, all it can do is give this generic error response.

When troubleshooting these generic errors we have several steps you can take:

* Make sure your system meets the minimum requirements for the game.
o How to find the minimum requirements for the game
* Make sure that you have all the updates that are available for the game. To do this, follow the steps provided below:
1. Click the Start button on the Windows Taskbar.
2. Highlight All Programs.
3. In the list of programs, find the game folder.
o The default location of the folder should be in the EAGames or EA SPORTS folder.
4. In the game folder, there should be a Check for Update or Auto-Update icon. Double-click the icon.
5. It should now log on and check for updates.
* There may be an issue with the update that you have installed. Try re-downloading the update and installing once again.
* Make sure that there are no extra programs running in the background that might interfere with the game's execution.
o How to end your background tasks
* Make sure your drivers and system files are as up-to-date as possible. The computer might be giving an instruction to a device that simply does not know how to proceed.
o How to update drivers
* Anti-virus software can cause conflicts with the game; it is recommended that you disable or configure your anti-virus software to minimize conflicts with the game. Anti-virus software can cause errors when your games try to open files or establish connections because of the active scan and similar settings. EA Download Manager, PunkBuster, etc. are all programs sensitive to active scan and anti-virus filtering.
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