Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailemVyřešeno Instalace programu do all users

Ono by nekdy stacilo, kdyby uzivatele nekdy premysleli.
Nekterym SW staci, kdyz se jim v zastupci zmeni polozka "Spustit v:" a dat tam nejaky ten home adresar a hned muze mit kazdy svuj INI soubor.

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Example to setup multi-user accounts:
PopTray, by default, saves all its settings in the PopTray directory and would be shared by all users as long as the users have the proper permission to read/write in that folder.

You can specify a different directory for each user by using the command-line:
"C:\Program Files\PopTray\PopTray.exe" "%USERPROFILE%"
"C:\Program Files\PopTray\PopTray.exe" "%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%"
The settings files will then be created in each users home directory, which is different for each user on the PC.

Ano, stacilo by, kdyby se ten SW po instalaci zeptal, zda to ma byt spolecne, a nebo kazdy ma zvlast nastaveni. Ale uz jste videli uzivatele, ktery jenom zbesile neklika na NEXT...?

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