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How to make the floppy
The unzipped image (bdxxxxxx.bin) is a block-to-block representation of the actual floppy, and the file cannot simply be copied to the floppy. Special tools must be used to write it block by block.
* Unzip the bd zip file to a folder of your choice.
* There should be 3 files: bdxxxxxx.bin (the floppy image) and rawrite2.exe (the image writing program), and install.bat which uses rawrite2 to write the .bin file to floppy.
* Insert a floppy in drive A: NOTE: It will lose all previous data!
* Run (doubleclick) install.bat and follow the on-screen instructions.
* Thanks to Christopher Geoghegan for the install.bat file (some of it ripped from memtest86 however)