Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem Jak na titulky pomocí suprip-1.16

A jaky si tam zvolil znakovy subor? Ked vytvaras novy tak si musis znaky asi najprv zadefinovat (musis ho znaky "naucit"), vid http://www.weethet.nl/english/video_ripsubtitles.p hp asi od polovice stranky...

P.S. jaj ty pouzivas SupRip a nie SubRip, ten sa asi ucit nepotrebuje, z tohoto postupu http://exar.ch/suprip/ si teda urobil ktore kroky?
1. Demux the SUP file from the M2TS
2. Start SupRip
3. Load the SUP file with the "Load" button
4. Mouseover the option fields to see help considering their function
5. Either use "Auto-OCR" to automatically scan the whole file and leave any unknown characters alone, or check "Automatically continue" and press "OCR" to get prompted for any unknown characters
6. Go to the SRT tab
7. Review the subtitles and statistics. Change some options there if you want
8. Save the SRT file with the "Save" button
Podla toho ze su skoro vsetky cervene tak nerozpoznal ziaden znak, skusil si teda "Auto-OCR" alebo co?

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