Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem nemohu spustit instalaci windows - /power-on password/

1. odkaz z googlu: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?lc=en& dlc=en&cc=us&docname=c00375284&product=18703

Power On
The Power On password is set in the System BIOS options. It prevents unwanted users from accessing the computer. By default, HP does not set the Power On password. If you set the Power On password in the System BIOS options you will be prompted for it immediately after you power on the Notebook PC.
If this password is forgotten, a repair at an HP certified repair center is required to reset the computer. Please contact HP to schedule a repair. This service is not covered by the warranty.

HP does not set the Power On password. Kdopak si s tim hral? Za odemknuti se musi zaplatit...
Do BIOS jsem nikdy žádné heslo nedával
Tak jej nejspis museli zadat v servise. Jak to ale dokazat a prinutit je, aby to zdarma vratili do puvodniho stavu???

V kazdem pripade je kontaktuj a chtej navrat do puvodniho stavu (bez hesla). Aneb reklamuj stav z reklamace.

Dalsi moznost je zkusit to odemknout sam (dle rad z for). Reset CMOS by jiz mel byt k nicemu, heslo je v EEPROM. Jsou dve moznosti - bud existuje nejake "Master password" (zadava se po tretim neuspesnem pokusu), nebo vytahnout pamet a vydolovat to z ni za pomoci ctecky.

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