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Nasel jsem zajimavou stranku myslim ze to bude timhle,snad sem nastavil vsechno ale nejde to mam TP-link router

dokonce jsem na router nainstaloval novej firmware
1. Modified the hardware reset method, the users can reset the router by holding reset button for 10s without power off;
2. Changed the default SSID to TP-LINK_XXXXXX (XXXXXX are the last 6 characters of the MAC address);
3. Fixed some dialing up bugs;
4. Changed some default settings;
5. Fixed a problem that caused the router reboots when beacon stuck occurs during station connects to it with XR status;
6. Fixed a problem that causes the router hangs up when connected to some games for a long time;
7. Fixed a bug that wireless MAC filtering doesn´t work after restoring to factory default settings.
a furt nic

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