Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem Jde nejak zjistit heslo routeru, kdyz tam nejde to defaultni?

Dle zkratkoveho stylu - UTFG. Pak viz. navod str. 21 a 35:

The default factory password is “password”. To change the password, press the
Password Settings button to enter the Password Settings screen, then enter the
Current Password followed by the New Password twice. The entered characters will
appear as asterisks.


4.9 What if you forgot the password?
If you forgot the password, the only way to recover is to clear the device configuration
and return the unit to its original state as shipped from the factory.
You can reset the Access Point’s Settings to factory defaults by pushing a paperclip in the
RESET hole on the back panel. Push and hold for around 2 seconds until the lights at
the front of the Access Point are off. Doing so will clear your current configuration.

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