Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem BDE - Paradox (Delphi) SQL - údržba databázy (vákuum)

procedure TData.PackTable(Table: TTable);
  Props: CURProps;
  hDb: hDBIDb;
  TableDesc: CRTblDesc;

  // Make sure the table is open exclusively so we can get the db handle...
  if Table.Active = False then
    raise EDatabaseError.Create('Tabulka musi byt otevřena');
  if Table.Exclusive = False then
    raise EDatabaseError.Create('Tabulka musi byt otevřena excluzivně');

  // Get the table properties to determine table type...
  Check(DbiGetCursorProps(Table.Handle, Props));

  // If the table is a Paradox table, you must call DbiDoRestructure...
  if Props.szTableType = szPARADOX then
    // Blank out the structure...
    FillChar(TableDesc, sizeof(TableDesc), 0);
    //  Get the database handle from the table's cursor handle...
    Check(DbiGetObjFromObj(hDBIObj(Table.Handle), objDATABASE, hDBIObj(hDb)));
    // Put the table name in the table descriptor...
    StrPCopy(TableDesc.szTblName, Table.TableName);
    // Put the table type in the table descriptor...
    StrPCopy(TableDesc.szTblType, Props.szTableType);
    // Set the Pack option in the table descriptor to TRUE...
    TableDesc.bPack := True;
    // Call DbiDoRestructure...
    Check(DbiDoRestructure(hDb, 1, @TableDesc, nil, nil, nil, FALSE));
    // If the table is a dBASE table, simply call DbiPackTable...
    if Props.szTableType = szDBASE then
      Check(DbiPackTable(Table.DBHandle, Table.Handle, nil, szDBASE, TRUE))
      // Pack only works on PAradox or dBASE; nothing else...
      raise EDatabaseError.Create('Tabulka musí být typu Paradox nebo dBASE');

  Table.Exclusive := False;

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