Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailemVyřešeno Jak přidat na fórum Spoiler ?

vše sem udělal jak mám ale teď potřebuji poradit co stým hle návodem : Zkoušel sem i google ale ten mi přeložil samé blbosti :-(

Go to the Administration Control Panel and navigate to the "Posting" tab, then
to the "BBCodes" section. Click the "Add a new BBCode" button. The following
page is where you are to enter the information for the new BBCode.

(1) In the "BBCode usage" area, enter the following:

(2) In the "HTML replacement" area, enter the following:
<div class="spoiler"><div class="spoiler-top"><a href="#toggle_spoiler" class="spoiler-link" onclick="return(spoilerToggle(this));">{L_PRIME_BB CODE_SPOILER_SHOW}</a> {L_PRIME_BBCODE_SPOILER}: <span class="spoiler-title">{TEXT1}</span></div><div class="spoiler-box" onclick="spoilerToggle(this);"><div class="spoiler-hidden">{TEXT2}</div></div></div>

(3) In the "Help line" area, enter the following:
Note: [spoiler=optional title]hidden text[/spoiler]

(4) In the "Settings" area, check the box for "Display on posting page" if
you want a "spoiler=" button placed alongside the other BBCode buttons.

When that's all filled out, click "Submit". Now, we're going to create one more version of
this BBCode, so create a new BBCode and enter this information:

(1) In the "BBCode usage" area, enter the following:

(2) In the "HTML replacement" area, enter the following:
<span class="spoiler"><span class="spoiler-box" onclick="spoilerToggle(this);"><span class="spoiler-hidden">{TEXT}</span></span></span>

(3) In the "Help line" area, enter the following:
Note: [spoiler]hidden text[/spoiler]

(4) In the "Settings" area, check the box for "Display on posting page" if
you want a "spoiler" button placed alongside the other BBCode buttons.

When that's all filled out, click "Submit". Now, if you want the spoiler box
height to shrink when the text is hidden, then open the included JavaScript
file "prime_bbcode_spoiler.js", find "spoiler_collapse = false", and change the value
to "true". Note that only the block-level spoilers will collapse; inline
spoilers will not.

Reakce na odpověď

1 Zadajte svou přezdívku:
2 Napište svou odpověď:
3 Pokud chcete dostat ban, zadejte libovolný text:

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