Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem Jak donutit win 98 aby detekoval čip gafické karty na E-pci?

SS2 doesn't work on Windows XP, does it?

I played it on Windows 2000, it being superior to Windows XP in too many ways to mention in one post, and it runs fine.

However, I believe you should be able to get XP to run it by doing the following:

1. Install Offical Patch:
http://www.3dgamers.com/dlselect/games/systemshock2 /shkpatch.exe.html

2. Add The Windows XP Fix:

3. Do this:
You will need to edit the shock.cfg file in the System Shock 2 folder on the hard drive. Open the shock.cfg file with notepad, and add the text "safe_texture_manager" on a line of its own. This change will become active when the file is saved.

If you've downloaded it from the Underdogs, you will need to install DivX 5 codecs as well, since all the FMV sequences have been compressed in that format.

If you still have troubled getting it to run, gimme a shout and I'll FTP you my packed copy of the game (which includes all the mod upgrades mentioned in my first post).

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