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Poznas napr. "Google Safe Browsing" ?
http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/phishing-prot ection/

How does Phishing and Malware Protection work in Firefox?

Phishing and Malware Protection works by checking the sites that you visit against lists of reported phishing and malware sites. These lists are automatically downloaded and updated every 30 minutes or so when the Phishing and Malware Protection features are enabled. The technical details of the safe-browsing protocol are also publicly available.
http://code.google.com/p/google-safe-browsing/wiki /Protocolv2Spec
Mozno to uz zabudovali aj do ostatnych, alebo to furt tahal len ten FF.

Neviem preco ludia maju tendenciu v uplne obycajnych veciach hladat vzdy nejake spiknutie.

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