Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem php,VB- mysql

dobry den , vytvoril sem si registraci ve stylu php,mysql
http://bhacks-registration.atwebpages.com/login.ph p
(vse se zapisuje to mysql database....
a chctel bych vytvorit program ve Visual basicu
pres ktery by se lidi mohly prihlasit ...
nekde sem nasel tenhle kod

Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Public Class Form1
    Dim conn As New MySqlConnection
    Private Function Connect(ByVal server As String, ByRef user As String, ByRef password As String, ByRef database As String)
        'We make here the connection string
        conn.ConnectionString = "server=" + server + ";" _
        & "user id=" + user + ";" _
        & "password=" + password + ";" _
        & "database=" + database + ";"
            'Try to open the connection
            Return True
        Catch ex As MySqlException
            'If fail will show a MySQL Error
            Return MsgBox(ex.Message)
        End Try
    End Function
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        '       Host        User    Pass Database
        Connect("localhost", "root", "", "vblogin") 'Change the host user and password.
    End Sub

    Private Sub btnLogin_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLogin.Click
        Dim myCommand As New MySqlCommand
        Dim myAdapter As New MySqlDataAdapter
        Dim myData As MySqlDataReader

        Dim SQL As String
        'Our MySQL Query
        Dim Email As String = txtEmail.Text.Replace("'", "\'")
        Dim Password As String = txtPassword.Text.Replace("'", "\'")
        SQL = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `email` = '" + Email + "' AND `password` = '" + Password + "'"

        myCommand.Connection = conn
        myCommand.CommandText = SQL
        myAdapter.SelectCommand = myCommand
            'Try to execute the query
            myData = myCommand.ExecuteReader()
            If myData.HasRows = 0 Then 'Checkes if a row with the email and password exist.
                'If no outputs this:
                MsgBox("Email and Password dont match!.")
                'if yes outputs this:
                MsgBox("Welcome " + myData.GetString("fname") + "!.")

            End If
        Catch ex As MySqlException
            'If fail outputs MySQL Error
        End Try
    End Sub
End Class
ale jakmile kliknu na tlacitko "Debug" tak se mi cely pc zamrzne . :(
co stim ...?
jestly neco nechapete tak napiste co (udelam vam screeny)

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