Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem Pinnacle studio 14HD vytváření filmu

Našiel som tip - skús:

Situation: you are about to finish and are ready to render your HD project (file or DVD). When doing so, Studio starts the rendering (transitions, effects, titles) and you might get the error message, "rendering error" or similar appears, and Studio crashes...


1. do not use background rendering (Configuration / Audio-Video Preferences / De-activate background rendering = do not tick the check box)
2. delete all files in the RENDER folder, as well as the RENDER folder and sub-folder. You can do this using Windows Explorer. To locate your RENDER folder, go to "Configuration / Project preferences". You can also change the location by default.
3. Then, you can launch the rendering process again (final file creation or disk creation without burning it).

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