PowerPoint - spustenie EXE suboru...
Mam taky maly problem... robim prezentaciu v PowerPointe a vlozil som si tam ovladaci prvok - tlacitko. Chcem urobit take nieco, ze ked nan kliknem, aby sa mi spustil EXE subor z presneho umiestnenia na disku. Visual Basic neovladam... Ak viete, prosim poradte...
Dle google:
1. open your powerpint presentation
2. show the toolbox through view | toolbox
3. drag a button to the slide
4. doubleclick the button
5. the resulting eventhandler looks like
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub
6. add your lines to make it look like
7. change the path to your exe, eg this line
8. close the vb editor
9. run the presentation and click the button