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Dobry den, mam stuzkovu na dvd-cku, ale po vlozeni do dvd-cka klasickeho na televizori to pyta odo mna heslo. Chcel by som ho napalit na nove dvd-rw bez hesla. Skusal som ho aj odkodovat cez dvd-shrinka, ale to je v anglictine a po odkodovani mi to prehrava v pripone vob. Tak som ho odkodoval cez dvd-decrypter, ale je to tiez vo formate vob na styroch castiach. Potom som ho prepisal na avi v nejakom programe a vlozil na usb-kluc, ale v klasickom dvd-cku mi to nejde v televizori a navyse je to sice v avi, ale skratene. Tak ho mam odkodovane v pocitaci cez dvd-decrypter na pevnom disku a jedine, co mi ho prehra cele je vlc-media player. Ako ho mam napalit na usb-kluc, aby mi isla cela stuzkova? Alebo ako ho mam napalit na nove dvd-r alebo dvd-rw bez hesla, prip. ci musi byt aj v avi? Poradte mi prosim nejake programy, aby som mohol pozerat stuzkovu aj na klasickom dvd-cku s Tv bez hesla. A ako spravit z niekolkych avi jeden film? Pocitac mam HP Compaq, windows 7.

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A nebude jednodušší zeptat se tam, kdes to dostal, jaké je to heslo?
JoDiK 29.12.2011 17:27
Heslo pýta DVD-prehrávač? TV? Alebo čo?
pme 29.12.2011 18:01
kravina, dvdcko nema ako a nema preco nejake heslo pytat. daj sem screen, ked uz.
shiro 29.12.2011 18:16
je to povodne nahrate z videokazety a aj ta pyta heslo. Ked vlozim stuzkovu do normalneho dvd-prehra…
tomaspipis 29.12.2011 18:38
U DVD sa dajú vytvoriť akési "menu" s odkazom na kapitoly v podobe, že zadajte heslo: Yes, what you…
pme 29.12.2011 18:57
Tak som si to napalil cez DVD-Decrypter priamo na pocitac a oznacil som si len tie videa, kde je stu… poslední
tomaspipis 30.12.2011 12:58

je to povodne nahrate z videokazety a aj ta pyta heslo. Ked vlozim stuzkovu do normalneho dvd-prehravaca, tak pyta heslo. Povodny kameraman, ked nahraval nasu stuzkovu, aby sa nedala kopirovat bez zaplatenia, tak tam vlozil nejaky kod alebo heslo.

U DVD sa dajú vytvoriť akési "menu" s odkazom na kapitoly v podobe, že zadajte heslo:

Yes, what you want to do can be done, and it involves a lot of work. But, it can prevent the casual user from viewing your "work" on a standalone palyer.

For instance, let's say that you want to protect your efforts with a 4 digit decimal number password. Create 4 separate menus with a button layout that looks like a 0-9 digit keypad, and have them prompt the user to "Enter first number of password". Set the key-press actions to auto-action to next digit menu, and save the button selected in a GPRM (general purpose register - memory that the author can use). The second menu will have the same layout as the first, and the user will be prompted to "Enter second number of password". Save the button number, and repeat for the third and last number of the password.

Once the password has been entered, compare the entries to the "loaded" value. If the password is correct, then jump to the movie. If the password is NOT correct, then display a screen that says "THE PASSWORD ENTERED IS NOT CORRECT", then timeout back to the DVD's FIRST PLAY entry.
You also have to set the PROHIBITED USER OPERATIONS (P-Uop) to prevent him from just jumping to the movie.

This will prevent the average "Joe" from viewing the movie, be we all know that most average "Joes" know one guy who is a computer whiz, and this friend will either crack the password (this is the weak point of this type of "protection" - the password has to be imbedded in the program), or simply make a copy with the P-Uops removed.

The viewing of your DVD by copying it with the P-Uops removed can be somewhat prevented, with some more work from you. This requires you to scramble your chapters, so that they don't normally play in the correct order. By this, I mean take a normal 10 chapter movie, and put them on the DVD in some wierd order, like chapter 6,3,10,9,1,4,8,2,7,5. You can either encode them this way, or use some type of PLAYLIST option.

If your password is entered correctly, you would jump to the correct chapter 1. At the end of EVERY CHAPTER, you would have to have a command sequence that would check to see if the password is correct, then jump to the appropriate chapter. If it is incorrect, then just continue with the next sequential chapter (ie, continue to chapter 3 from chapter 6).

So, to really be able to view your DVD, someone would have to pour through the menu programming and snatch out your password (although with creative programming, it can be made somewhat difficult - not something that the casual cracker could do).

So, I guess that the short answer is "Yes", it can be done. But is it worth the effort? My guess would be "No".

Ale u VHS pásky... Neviem.
Samozrejme trošku znalý "PC maniak" si s tým dokáže poradiť.;-)

Tak som si to napalil cez DVD-Decrypter priamo na pocitac a oznacil som si len tie videa, kde je stuzkova. Potom som vlozil prazdny dvd-rw a otvoril som si ho a presunul len casti stuzkovej a vo windowse 7 dal som si napalit subory na disk, to trvalo nejakych 9 minut a je to hotove, funguje to aj na klasickom dvd-prehravaci a uz nepyta heslo. Ďakujem.

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