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can anybody please help me on this issue?

I recently bought a new PC that doesn't have any problem running latest games, but with Deus Ex: HR, the DPS is so low it is unplayble. Even in game's start menu. Changing video resolution doesn't have any effect at all. I tried to update all my drivers by using appropriate software (some kind of driver searcher) so I believe it isn't the drivers. Thank you for your suggestions.

Windows 7 64bit
AMD FX-4100
Sapphire Radeon 6870
Put your question in our game section again hry.poradna.net (fleg)

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http://www.weplayciv.com/forums/showthread.php?267 8-Deus-Ex-in-Windows-7 poslední
MM_tank 03.01.2012 08:40

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