Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem Pamäťová karta do foto SmartMedia

A jakou jinou kartu byste tam chtěl dát? Smart Media jsou jen 3,3V a 5V. Takže směle do toho, způsob napájení fotoaparátu samotného není relevantní. Mimochodem v manuálu k fotoaparátu byste se zřejmě potřebné informace dozvěděl.


SmartMedia cards come in two formats, 5 V and 3.3 V (sometimes marked 3 V), named for their main supply voltages. The packaging is nearly identical, except for the reversed side of the mechanical orientation notched corner. Many older SmartMedia devices only support 5V SmartMedia cards, whereas many newer devices only support 3.3V cards. In order to protect 3.3V cards from being damaged in 5V-only devices, the card reader should have some mechanical provision (such as detecting notch type) to disallow insertion of an unsupported type of card. Be aware: some low-cost 5V-only card readers do not operate this way; inserting a 3.3V card into a 5V-only reader will result in permanent damage to the card. Dual-voltage card readers are highly recommended

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