chyba Flashtool
Dobrý den,
Mohl by mi prosím někdo poradit jak flashnout soubor U20_nAa-ics-04_2.6.29.6-nAa-ics-04.ftf když to chci flashnout pomocí Flashtool tak mi to napíše toto:
29/019/2012 17:19:19 - INFO - <- This level is successfully initialized
29/019/2012 17:19:26 - INFO - Preparing files for flashing
29/019/2012 17:19:27 - INFO - Searching Xperia....
29/019/2012 17:19:27 - INFO - Found at USB\VID_0FCE&PID_ADDE\6&FD61FB4&0&1
29/019/2012 17:19:27 - INFO - Start Flashing
29/020/2012 17:20:33 - INFO -
29/020/2012 17:20:33 - INFO - Flashing loader
29/020/2012 17:20:33 - ERROR - Error flashing. Aborted
29/020/2012 17:20:33 - INFO - Now unplug the device and power it on
29/020/2012 17:20:33 - INFO - Then go to application settings
29/020/2012 17:20:33 - INFO - turn on Unknown Sources and Debugging
(mobil je rootlý)
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musis odemknout bootloader