Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem Linux - jednoduchy backup pomocou tar

přiznám se: nejsem chodící man stránka, ale nemají být ty cesty BEZ posledních lomítek, tj /home /mnt atd? Anebo použít wildcard, tj. /home/*

edit: je to tak:>:

tar comand is OS depandent. (the native tar command come with OS, some of them does
not support exclude, or use different option flag to do the job)

You don't have the GNU tar install, you can always download it from the web, it support
compression as well. (normally install it in /usr/local/tar, assume that you has set PATH to
use it, otherwise you need to use /usr/local/bin/tar instead of tar).

Here's some examples for how to use it:


GUN tar (tar with comprssion and excluding options):

   tar -czf tarball.tar.gz --exclude=pattern fileslist
   tar -czf website.tar.gz  --exclude=*.zip public_html


   tar -cvf mytest.tar --exclude-from=testfile bin

   tar -czf trial.tar ./* --no-anchored --exclude=./build/lib/*.a --exclude=*/OBJS/* --exclude=*/lib/solaris/*

   #testfile has all the excluding patterns

   To untar:
   tar -zxf website.tar.gz

   man tar

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