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Enabling UEFI at Startup

Follow below steps to check if your system is UEFI enabled and how to enable UEFI Boot at startup
Reboot your machine, and when the splash screen appears (the one with the Lenovo Logo), press described button to interrupt normal startup. This is typically the “Enter” key. After interrupting normal startup, the “Startup Interrupt Menu” will be displayed in screen. Now press the key to access “BIOS Setup Utility”, which in this case is “F1”.
The BIOS setup utility is now displayed. If the BIOS Version and BIOS Date start with UEFI, the machine is UEFI enabled.
To enable UEFI, use the left arrow (<-) or Right arrow (->) key to highlight the "Startup" menu
Use the Down arrow key to highlight the UEFI/Legacy Boot item.
Using the Arrow and Enter keys change this setting to "Both"
Now highlight the UEFI/KLegacy Boot Priority item, and using the arrow and Enter keys, change this setting to "UEFI First".
To save, press the F10 key to save and exit the BIOS utility.

Takže, když se objeví Lenovo Logo, zmáčkneš ENTER, mělo by se objevit "startup interrupt menu. Pak zmáčkneš klávesu, aby ses dostal do BIOS Setu utility- měla by to být klávesa F1. Pak si můžeš vybrat, jestli chceš spouštět UEFI a nebo "starý" BIOS.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mi7vKqPkdMY&feature =related

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