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Video Cards

Looks 2 will fall back to CPU rendering if there is no GPU or if the graphics card doesn't meet the Looks 2 minimum specs. Looks 2 performance is much better when using a graphics card, and we support a wide variety.

For ATI cards, we recommend ATI 9600 XT or greater, along with an X series card starting with the X700 series. Cards with greater model numbers and at least 128 MB of RAM can run the Looks engine better then CPU alone.

For NVIDIA cards, we support the 6600 model and higher or QuadroFX 1300 and up. Cards with higher model numbers and a minimum of 128 MB of RAM can run Looks. For users working with HD images, we require that the video card have at least 256 MB of RAM. In all cases, we suggest using the latest video drivers for your graphics card.

Please Note: All media is processed at 32 bit. For newer cards from ATI and NVIDIA, we recommend a minimum of 320 MB of RAM. For 2K projects, we recommend 512 MB or a larger amount of RAM on the graphics card.


In most cases, the Looks plug-in requires rendering to generate final color-corrected output. With host applications like Final Cut Pro and Premiere Pro, you can use Looks as a real-time color correction effect with the dynamic playback capabilities. With applications such as Apple Motion and Adobe After Effects, rendering is required to generate any output with Looks applied. In general, the faster the graphics card, the faster the rendering of media. NVIDIA cards are generally faster than ATI cards of the same level for HD or HDV projects.

Please Note The maximum render size in Looks is 8192 x 8192, but is dependent on the video card in the system. Most cards will support 2K media (2048 x 1536) rendering, but only the NVIDIA 8800 series cards or Quadro 4600/5600 support 8K output at time of this writing.

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