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Dobrý den. Chtěl bych toto "set names 'cp1250'" vložit k připojení k mysql. Kam to mám dát? Děkuji


	// This class handles database communication
	class x7chat_db {
		var $con;	// MySql resource
		var $database;	// MySql database resource
		var $error;	// Stores error message (used for install file and debugging)
		// This function handles running a query
		function DoQuery($query){
			global $_COOKIE, $MUSE_DB;
			$q = mysql_query($query,$this->con);	// Run the query
			if(mysql_error() == ""){	// If MySql doesn't sends back an error then
				return $q;		// return resource ID
					// Switch users, this ones done with for an hour
					if(!isset($MUSE_DB["user_{$MUSE_DB['current']}"])) {
						// O damn we're out of users, error out
						echo "MUSE Error - Out of Users!";
					return $this->DoQuery($query);
					return mysql_error();	// otherwise return the error

		// Get a row from the database
		function Do_Fetch_Row($q){
			$row = mysql_fetch_row($q);	// Get the row
			return $row;				// Return it
		// Make the database connection and select the correct database
		function x7chat_db($host="",$uname="",$pword="",$db="",$die =1){
			global $X7CHAT_CONFIG, $MUSE_DB;		// Get the values from the config file
			if($host == ""){
				$host = $X7CHAT_CONFIG['DB_HOST'];
				$uname = $MUSE_DB["user_{$MUSE_DB['current']}"];
				$pword = $MUSE_DB["pass_{$MUSE_DB['current']}"];
				$db = $X7CHAT_CONFIG['DB_NAME'];
			$this->error = 0;
				$this->con = @mysql_pconnect($host,$uname,$pword);
				$this->con = @mysql_connect($host,$uname,$pword);
			$this->database = @mysql_select_db($db,$this->con);		// Select the database
				die("Error connecting to database");		// If it fails print an error and exit
					$this->error = 2;
					die("Error selecting database");		// If it fails print an error and exit
					$this->error = 3;

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