VMware Workstation 6 Release Candidate
Není to úplně žhavá novinka... ale před několika dny se na stránkách vmware.com objevila nová beta označená jako "Release Candidate".
Některé novinky:
- Support for Windows Vista — Use Windows Vista as host operating system
- Multiple monitor display — You can configure a VM to span multiple monitors, or multiple VMs to each display on separate monitors
- Support for USB 2.0 devices — You can now use peripherals that require high-speed performance in your VMs, such as MP3 Players and fast storage devices
- VM Record/Replay — Use this feature to record VM activities and be guaranteed to reproduce the exact VM state 100% of the time
- Integrated Virtual Debugger — Workstation integrates with Visual Studio and Eclipse so you can deploy, run, and debug programs in a VM directly from your preferred IDE
- Automation APIs (VIX API 1.1) — You can write scripts and programs to automate VM testing
- NEW! ACE Authoring Capabilities