Vyšla nová verzia FreeCommander!
FreeCommander 2009.02 has been released!
Important changes in the version 2009.02
[list]New: Possibility to define several favorite toolbars.
New: Flat view for files Ctrl+B
New: Flat view for folders Ctrl+Shift+B
New: Settings->Color/Font: Backgroundcolor for flat view
New: Settings->Custom columns: Default profile for flat view
New: Support side mouse buttons for back and forward navigation
New: Multi rename - some new exif and mp3 properties added
New: Automatically expand the tree view on tab change
New: Action defined: Collapse selected node in the tree view
Changed: Only one quick filter button
Several bugs fixed [/list]
Díky za info. Freecommander používám ke své plné spokojenosti už delší dobu.
Taky tak.