Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem Nelze aktualizovat čerstvě nainstalovanou Windows 7

Nebud paranoidni :))

Try this BEFORE anything else!

Open Windows Updates
click on Change Settings
change your option to Never Update.
Click Apply
Close Windows Updates

Now open Windows Updates again
Click on Change Settings
Change the settings to your preference.
Click Apply, and close Windows Update

Now open Windows Updates, and Check for Updates

See what happens.

Or else try below step :-
Look for c:\windows\softwaredistribution\datastore\logs\edb .log

and delete the file and reboot the system

Co to udela, hlasi to neco..?

http://www.codingcore.com/coding/171759-windows-7- cant-run-defender-do-windows-update.html

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