Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem Kterou z těchto laserových myší?

http://www.microsoft.com/hardware/discover/lm6000.h tm
http://www.extremetech.com/slideshow_viewer/0,1205, l=159930&s=1005&a=159931&po=6,00.asp

While playing a PC game, use the Precision Booster to switch between ultra-fast speed and precise control for tasks such as target shooting.

* Open the IntelliPoint software Mouse Properties window on your computer.
* Once this is open, in the Buttons tab, assign the Precision Booster to one of your buttons.
* On the assignments page, set your desired speed for the Precision Booster (anywhere from 10 percent to 90 percent).
* Close the Mouse Properties window and open a PC game.
* While playing the game, click the button you have assigned to Precision Booster to switch between fast speed and the speed you assigned to this command.

Tzn. je to spíše funkce driveru než myši, prostě si v nastavení myši tu funkci přiřadíš některému tlačítku.

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