Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem Nová verze The Bat! - 3.95.06

http://www.ritlabs.com/download/the_bat/thebat_pro_ 3-95-06-christmas.msi

[*] The Bat! should now be compatible with Windows Vista
[*] When an attach is open from a preview pane, its original name is used
[*] Previous versions of The Bat! did use THEBAT.IPC file (located in the same directory with thebat.exe, The Bat! now uses THEBAT.IPC under Windows Me, Windows 98, or Windows 95 only. Under Windows NT-based operating systems The Bat! used named pipe "\\.\pipe\The Bat! 0 CmdLine", where 0 is the current session ID (i.e. 0 - first logged user, 1 - second logged user and so on). Under desktop operating system the ID is most probably 0, while under Terminal Servers it may vary depending on the number of simultaneously logged users.
[*] More Unicode compatibility and support
[+] New command line parameter /TERMINATE to exit from The Bat! regardless of active mail sessions.
[+] Attached file names now can contain any characters, including the alphabets which are not default for the current language settings.
[+] Windows Vista uses the new "Segoe UI" font.
[+] The Bat! now supports IPv6 protocol. You can specify server addresses in IPv6 numeric format like fde9:159d:6172::1 or in canonical form. If a host has an IPv6 record in DNS, The Bat! will connect to this host via IPv6.
[*] Added the %ATTACH="filepath" synonym to %ATTACHFILE macro
[-] Filters: 'Export' action - file was overwritten even with increment name option enabled
[-] Biometric authentication might not work.

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