Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem BIOS nenajde SATA disk, WIN 98 ano

Rozdelovanie na max 128GB oddiely som nepisal ako obchadzanie 48bit LBA, precitaj si este raz co pisem. Aj ked je vyriesene 48bitLBA, aj tak by som u W9x radsej nerobil oddiely vacsie ako 128GB, Win9x by s oddielom >128G mohol mat problem (neviem naisto ja nie som bill gates, ale mari sa mi ze som to kedysi videl na MS strankach).

P.S. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/184006/
The ScanDisk tool included with Microsoft Windows 95 and Microsoft Windows 98 is a 16-bit program. Such programs have a single memory block maximum allocation size of 16 MB less 64 KB. Therefore, The Windows 95 or Windows 98 ScanDisk tool cannot process volumes using the FAT32 file system that have a FAT larger than 16 MB less 64 KB in size. A FAT entry on a volume using the FAT32 file system uses 4 bytes, so ScanDisk cannot process the FAT on a volume using the FAT32 file system that defines more than 4,177,920 clusters (including the two reserved clusters). Including the FATs themselves, this works out, at the maximum of 32 KB per cluster, to a volume size of 127.53 gigabytes (GB).

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