Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem CPU AMD vs Intel

Vseobecne - jadra sa stale vylepsuju, je mnoho veci kde to moze "skripat". Napr. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steamroller_%28micro architecture%29

Improvements center on independent instruction decoders for each core within a module, 25% more of the maximum width dispatches per thread, better instruction schedulers, improved perceptron branch predictor, larger and smarter caches, up to 30% fewer instruction cache misses, branch misprediction rate reduced by 20%, dynamically resizable L2 cache, micro-operations queue,[6] more internal register resources and improved memory controller.
AMD estimated that these improvements will increase instructions per cycle (IPC) up to 30% compared to the first-generation Bulldozer
Zavisi to aj od aplikacii ze jak CPU vyuzivaju. Resp. hlavne od compilera ak programator neoptimalizuje az na uroven (SIMD) instrukcii, takze vacsina aplikacii bude len tak dobra jak dobry bol compiler :) Intel navrhol celkovo CPU lepsie, to ale este neznamena ze 2 jadra su lepsie jak 4 s 2 prefetchermi.

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