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Norman Malware Cleaner v2.08.08
Copyright © 1990 - 2013, Norman Shark AS.

Norman Scanner Engine Version: 7.04.04
nvcbin.def: Version: 7.04.8829, Date: 2014/08/24 07:16:17, Variants: 29491849

Operating System: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 x64

Switches: /iagree

Scan started: 2015/11/27 12:35:39

Running pre-scan cleanup routine...

Number of malicious objects found: 0
Number of malicious objects cleaned: 0
Scanning time: 0s

Scanning running processes and process memory...

Number of files found: 469
Number of objects found: 2568
Number of objects scanned: 2568
Number of objects not scanned: 0
Number of malicious memory objects found: 0
Number of malicious objects cleaned: 0
Number of malicious files found: 0
Number of malicious files cleaned: 0
Scanning time: 1m 10s

Scanning system for FakeAV...

Number of malicious objects found: 0
Number of malicious objects cleaned: 0
Number of malicious files found: 0
Number of malicious files cleaned: 0
Scanning time: 1s

Running quick scan...
C:\Windows\BlackBox.exe: Error opening file for read: 0x00000005
C:\Windows\svch.exe: Error opening file for read: 0x00000005
C:\Windows\svchus.exe: Error opening file for read: 0x00000005
C:\Windows\System32\7B296FB0-376B-497e-B012-9C450E 1B7327-5P-0.C7483456-A289-439d-8115-601632D005A0: Error opening file for read: 0x00000020
C:\Windows\System32\7B296FB0-376B-497e-B012-9C450E 1B7327-5P-1.C7483456-A289-439d-8115-601632D005A0: Error opening file for read: 0x00000020
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rlls.dll: Potentially unwanted program (winpe/RelevantKnowledge.DYM)
Delete file: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\rlls.dll
Cleaning successful

Number of files found: 6863
Number of archives unpacked: 8
Number of objects found: 6949
Number of objects scanned: 6944
Number of objects not scanned: 5
Number of malicious objects found: 1
Number of malicious objects cleaned: 1
Number of malicious files found: 1
Number of malicious files cleaned: 1
Scanning time: 7m 48s

Running post-scan cleanup routine...

Number of malicious objects found: 0
Number of malicious objects cleaned: 0
Scanning time: 0s

Total number of files found: 7332
Total number of archives unpacked: 8
Total number of objects found: 9517
Total number of objects scanned: 9512
Total number of objects not scanned: 5
Total number of malicious objects found: 1
Total number of malicious objects cleaned: 1
Total number of malicious files found: 1
Total number of malicious files cleaned: 1
Total number of objects quarantined: 1
Total scanning time: 8m 59s

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