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Budu mít Win10 na mobilu
a to bolo dobrovolne rozhodnutie? ::)

tak chci využít kompatibility
jakej? Ja o ziadnej neviem.

Cislo by ti mal zobrat tvoje normalne, alebo to W10 kdesi cosi vygenerovalo. Google ti to najde, ak hladas
http://www.howtogeek.com/224342/how-to-clean-insta ll-windows-10/
When you upgrade a Windows 7 or 8.1 system to Windows 10, the installer confirms that you have a “genuine Windows” system installed and activates your computer for use with Windows 10. Note that you don’t actually get a Windows 10 product key — instead, your computer’s hardware is registered with Microsoft’s servers. When you install Windows 10 on that PC again in the future, it will check in with Microsoft’s servers, confirm it’s installed on a registered PC, and automatically activate itself.

If you don’t take advantage of the upgrade process first, this registration will never happen. There’s no way to enter a Windows 7 or 8.1 key into the Windows 10 installer, nor is there some sort of web form that will give you a Windows 10 key if you provide your Windows 7 or 8.1 key. Sorry — you’ll have to upgrade to Windows 10 before you can perform a clean install.

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