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ISS – International Space Station also known as Aplha Station

Station is developing since 1984. First part was launched at 1998. Station has 23 parts now. Main manufacturers are USA, Russia, Canada Japanesse and other european countries. Station costs 32 billions US dollars. Station is using for scientist research. For example physical experiments, biology and space exposure on the human body. The source of electrical power for the station is the sun: light is converted into electricity through the solar panels. Station provides atmospheric pressure, oxygen levels and water. The highest priority system on station is the atmospheric system.

The ISS has been continuously inhabited since November 2000
Three members of crew lives on station for a half of year. Than they are replaced. The crew is keeping up the station. All station crews are named "Expedition N", where N is number increased after each expedition. There was 15 crews since 1998. Day and night cycle is controled automatically.

Station Statisitcs :

Weight 200 tons
Height 60m
Width 70m
Orbital period 90mins
Speed 30 000km/h
Distance travelled 2billions km

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