Ďalšie postrehy:
1. Alpha Station
2. Prvá veta pôsobí divne, doplnil by som tam minimálne "and its first parts". Slovo station by som napísal s malým S.
3. The complex has now 23 parts. Alebo: Now, it consists of 23 parts. Prípadne by som to spojil s ďalšou vetou: Now, it consists of 23 parts manufactured mostly by USA, Russia, Canada, Japan and other european countries.
4. It is used for scientific research, for example physical experiments, biological experiments and study of the human exposure to the space.
5. converted into electricity through the use of solar panels / converted into electricity by solar panels.
6. Three members of the crew live in the station...
7. Then they are replaced. Alebo: After this period, they are replaced.
8. There were 15 crews since 1998.
9. controlled
10. The gravity in/on (jedno z nich, ale určite nie at) the station is 88% of the Earth’s gravity.