Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem Da sa vymazat CD-R (pred vyhodenim do smetia)?

Tak si odpoviem sam s lightscribe to asi nepojde :-/
http://www.lightscribe.com/support/index.aspx?id=30 1

Q: What happens if I forget to flip the disc before burning the label side?
A: The LightScribe system recognizes whether or not the disc is label-side down, and it will not try to write a label to the data side, nor will it attempt to burn data to the label side. If the wrong side is presented for either data burning or label burning, your disc will be ejected and a software message will be displayed.

Asi to budem aj nadalej lamat zabalene v novinach alebo si kupim mikrovlnku :-)

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