Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem Lenovo Y700

Pozrel som sa na udalosti a velakrat tam mam Warning asi z tej doby kde zamrzol notebook.
Toto tam pise:The speed of processor 1 in group 0 is being limited by system firmware. The processor has been in this reduced performance state for 71 seconds since the last report.
The speed of processor 3 in group 0 is being limited by system firmware. The processor has been in this reduced performance state for 71 seconds since the last report.
The speed of processor 7 in group 0 is being limited by system firmware. The processor has been in this reduced performance state for 71 seconds since the last report.

atd. az kym speed of processor 0 in group 0 nezostane.

Potom je tam Warning Kernel chyba: The driver \Driver\WUDFRd failed to load for the device ROOT\SYSTEM\0001.

V com je chyba?

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