Je problem si to precitat, alebo citat nevieme?
Fast Dial replaces "about:blank" page with a panel of thumbnails of your favorite sites. Click on an empty cell, assign a site URL, click OK - a thumbnail will be generated for a site. You can also add sites opened in browser or existing bookmarks by right-clicking them and choosing "Add to Fast Dial" from context menu.
By checking "Group" checkbox in thumbnail properties you can create groups of nested thumbnails.
You can change thumbnail's position by drag-n-dropping it. (Hold Ctrl while dragging to move thumbnail into a group.)
Left click on a thumbnail title opens "Properties" dialog. Middle click on thumbnail title runs thumbnail refresh.
Alt+number keyboard shortcut opens assigned site.
If you move mouse over thumbnail's top, a panel of graphic buttons appears.
To view zoomed image press left mouse button and hold it for a moment. You can customize Fast Dial page colors & font in Preferences.
A nehovor mi, ze anglicky nevies, pretoze pri praci s PC a pobehovani po nete je anglictina nutna, a navyse je to svetovy jazyk. Zvysok sveta sa kvoli zopar milionom cechov a slovakov nepoondi, tak si zvykaj.